‘I feel free’, Ghanaian Kweku Adoboli speaks a year after deportation

Deported Ghanaian investment manager and former UBS stock trader in the United Kingdom, John Kweku Adoboli has said coming home was freedom.

Adeboli who was embroiled in the middle of immigration tussles and deportation after serving four of a seven-year sentence for a £1.4 billion fraud, Made his second public appearance was when he took his turn at the 2019 Ted X event where he spoke under the topic of the “Year of Return” since his deportation.

“For so many reasons, the Year of Return is important. It’s important for global community reasons. The Diaspora needs to know that ultimately, they came from Africa. And we have taken that honour of inviting them home. And that’s important.”

“But it’s also about creating the community that will help to generate financing to generate ideas to create opportunities for Ghanaians and also generally the diaspora around the world. The year of return is a brilliant program because it has raised our profile of Ghana’s profile.”

“It’s raised our profile. But at the same time, it’s also helped Diasporans around the world to feel a connection back to Ghana in Africa. And that’s important especially where the world is today,” he told JoyBusiness.

“And although I had fought and I didn’t want to leave my people back in the UK, one thing I do know is the fact that I’m standing here one year on talking to you is a reflection of the fact that I am free…even my friends back in the UK have all accepted that this is a much better place for us to be than fighting against the British government back in the UK. So that’s why I feel free.”



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