Good Samaritans in Liverpool as lads help elderly man who fell in road

A group of young lads have been hailed after they came to the aid of an elderly man who slipped and fell in a road.

Footage shows the Good Samaritans helping the man to a taxi in Liverpool city centre and paying his fare so he could get home safely.

The video has gone viral on the internet, where viewers celebrated the kind act and the man who recorded the footage said it had given him a “little faith in humanity”.

Colm O’Grady, who shared the video with the Liverpool Echo, said: “So I just had my usual little walk around town to see what’s the craic for the night and spotted a very fragile old man across the road. A group of young lads approached him so I thought I’d keep an eye.

“To their credit, they spotted he was old, fragile and probably out of his comfort zone (Liverpool on a friday night) then walked him to the nearest taxi and paid for his taxi home!

“Gave me a little faith in humanity! Fair play lads.”

In the footage, one of the men walks the elderly man along the pavement with his arm around his shoulder for support. When they arrive at a cab, one of the men pulls out his wallet and the others get some cash together for the elderly man’s journey.

The Good Samaritans have been celebrated after video of their kind gesture in Liverpool city centre went viral as the video has been shared more than 6,000 times.



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