Senate begins Pepsi-Bigi resolution process

The Senate has on Tuesday began the conflict resolution process between two soft drink manufacturers, 7-Up Bottling Company, makers of Pepsi; and Rite Foods Limited, Makers of Bigi brands.

The House took this decision when representatives of the two soft drinks’ firms appeared before the Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petitions after being invited by the panel led by Senator Ayo Akinyelure following a petition by the lawyers to the Rites Foods Limited against the 7-Up Bottling Company.

The meeting which held behind closed doors for two hours resulted in the two parties settling to meet again in two weeks for a proper conclusion.

Akinyelure said, “We have been able to sit the two management together because we believe that the issue is a matter that can be resolved amicably through the instrument of alternative conflict resolution that will bring more results to the country.

He explained that the two companies were relevant to employment and job creation in Nigeria and as such, progress was desirable for both companies at all costs.

“We resolved in the committee and gave them two weeks to resolve the matter together, let them be friends.” he concluded



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