NRC cries out over rail tracks vandalisation

The Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) has called the attention of Nigerians to the persistent vandalisation of rail tracks across the country.

NRC Managing Director Fidget Okhiria announced while addressing reporters yesterday at the corporation’s headquarters in Lagos.

He said: “We called this press conference to call attention to the increasing rate of vandalisation of some of our lines by hoodlums across the country. It is becoming alarming and very serious.

“We desire to reiterate that we need to maintain what we have and keep it working rather than destroy it and go back to where we were before.”

Okhiria, who said the removal of the rail tracks were hitherto restricted to the narrow gauge, revealed that the hoodlums have become so daring that they have started attacking the standard gauge, removing the clips to remove the tracks.

The NRC boss remarked that destroying the rail and the fixed infrastructure is not in the best interest of Nigeria.

He said: “The rate of vandalisation of our infrastructure is becoming alarming and very serious. I don’t want to mention particular regions but people are sabotaging the tracks so badly. We have had issues between Papalanto and Abeokuta. We have had issues close to Ajaokuta, of people trying to vandalise the tracks and even the coaches.

“Last week, they attacked our train en route to Ajaokuta station. There was an attack affecting some passengers. We should let the world know that this bad set of people is not allowed to thrive in Nigeria.”



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