Dangote: Refinery to produce Euro 5 petrol standard

It has been learned that the Dangote Petroleum Refinery is built to meet the new Euro-5 Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) petrol standard.

This is contained in a report by the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority (NMDPRA) obtained by our correspondent yesterday.

The Euro-5 standard is meant to reduce carbon emissions. The new Euro-5 limits reduce pollution from the exhaust and are remarkably similar to Euro-6 limits for cars.

Euro-5 is mandatory for all new type-approved motorcycles, including mopeds, with exceptions for some small market categories such as trial bikes.

The NMDA document raised the question of “What is the specification for PMS in Nigeria?”

Responding, the authority noted that “We currently utilize SON 2017 specifications for Gasoline/PMS in Nigeria.”

On whether any government plans to move to a higher standard of PMS (Euro 4 or higher?), the NMDPRA said: “The current SON 2017 specifications are akin to Euro 4 specifications. It should also be noted that the Dangote Refinery is designed and built to meet Euro 5 classification standards which will meet local, regional and international standards.

“Also, the output of other modular refineries are expected to meet Euro 4 specifications at a minimum.”



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