Black people are mentally inferior — UK aide

Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson (R) and Number 10 special advisor Dominic Cummings leave from 10 Downing Street in central London on October 28, 2019. - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will make a fresh push on Monday for an early election as EU leaders prepare to back yet another Brexit delay, just days before the departure deadline. Johnson was forced to abandon his promise to leave the European Union on October 31, after MPs demanded he ask for more time while they debate the divorce terms he struck with Brussels. (Photo by Tolga AKMEN / AFP) (Photo by TOLGA AKMEN/AFP via Getty Images)

Boris Johnson is facing pressure to sack Dominic Cummings’ new aide after he claimed black people are mentally inferior than white people.

Andrew Sabisky, 27, answered Downing Street’s calls for ‘weirdos and misfits’ to advise Boris Johnson’s government, but his extreme views have sparked outrage online.

The self-titled ‘superforecaster’ made comments about the IQs of black people on a blog post published in 2014, which is now being circulated on social media.

Mr Sabiksy has also come under fire for previously stating that much of the ‘hue and cry’ against female genital mutilation ‘looks more like a moral panic’.

The Cambridge graduate also advocates for eugenics, which aims to improve the genetic quality of the population by excluding certain groups judged to be ‘inferior’. The concept of eugenics was first started with Plato, but has been linked to Nazi Germany and white supremacists over the last century.

Towns under water, roads cut off and there is still more flooding to come In 2014, Mr Sabisky also stated on Cummings’ website that a legal enforcement of contraception would help stop unplanned pregnancies in the UK.

The aide is listed as a past speaker at a London Conference on Intelligence in 2015, which was also attended by white supremacists and far-right activists.

He also previously said women’s sport was ‘more comparable to the Paralympics than it is to men’s’ and dismissed female Labour politicians, including Angela Rayner and Rebecca Long Bailey, as ‘dim’.

Mr Sabisky’s comments are said to have also caused uproar among ministers, with reports of some preparing to boycott meetings where he is present. Multiple special advisers told Buzzfeed they and their cabinet ministers will not be responding to emails from Mr Sabisky, and will tell Boris Johnson to sack him.



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