Sex Offender: School caretaker who hid camera in toilet is jailed

A school caretaker who hid a camera in the female toilets where he worked has been jailed.

Matthew Stupples, 42, lived on site at Wimbledon Park Primary School, in southwest London, where he worked as a caretaker and handyman for almost 15 years.

However in August last year, workers at the school discovered a micro-camera hidden inside a loo roll in a female adult toilet in a wing of the school.

Stupples had attached a handwritten note to the adjoining cubicle, stating that it was out of order and directing women into the toilet that was being filmed.

When police searched his house, they discovered a huge cache of videos and still images which revealed the caretaker had recorded more than 50 instances of people using the school toilet.

Stupples, who has lost his job and his home since his deception came to light, pleaded guilty to four counts of voyeurism and one count of taking an indecent photo of a child.

He was sentenced to 33 months in prison, half of which will be served in custody.

A judge also handed him a five-year sexual harm prevention order alongside a five-year restraining order.

He will also be put on the sex offenders’ register for the rest of his life, preventing him from working with children again, and ordered to pay a victims’ surcharge of £181.



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