No to witchcraft, not in our land!

A female professor, Ms Egodi Uchedu, having been consistently troubled by the challenges facing Nigeria and Nigerians, resolved on more robust solutions through an academic conference on Witchcraft.

She said the conference, amongst other useful outcomes, will help to provide answers to some of the issues impeding Nigeria existence and citizen experience.

Before now, all we know about witchcraft in Nigeria are about the nightly meetings of witches and wizards, their mysterious chirping, proclivity for blood, and dominance of mighty forests etc.

But this strong woman wants to change and improve the narrative. She said she’s determined to bring the meetings to broad day light, and committed to desconstructing witchcraft while exploring possibilities for the betterment of Nigeria and Nigerians.

Interestingly, some Nigerians don’t want to hear all that. They don’t want to hear anything on Witchcraft

In fact, the rabid haters of witches and wizards – the pastors and imams are already threatening fire and brimstone against this woman for such effontery to want to lead the elevation of discussion on Witchcraft.

And some have started mobilizing the members of their churches and mosques to embark on long fasting and prayers to prevent witches and wizards from occupying “our God-given land” – Nigeria.

Unbeknownst to the dubious antagonists of the academic conference, the rest of the world has moved far beyond primordial beliefs held mostly in many African societies about certain mystical beings with magical powers that are essentially deployed to create confusion and mystery.

What is largely seen as witchcraft in modern time are remarkable and magnificent developments brought about by technology and innovations.

Tthat’s the power of witchcraft that Nigerians across the strata of the society should be seeking to help improve their country and the well-being of the people.



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