Marriage Proposal: Feminist slams man, says he’s threatened by girlfriend’s intellectual success

Man’s proposal to his girlfriend on her graduation has sparked a Twitter storm that quickly overshadowed the couple’s romantic milestone as the event prompted a backlash from feminist who accused him of “hijacking” her special day because he is “threatened by her intellect”.

Edgaras Averbuchas, 27, was accused of “bad form” after he proposed to his girlfriend of nine years as she was receiving her Masters degree in English language from the University of Essex.

Despite the joyful excitement written over girlfriend, Agne Banuskeviciute, age 25, who said yes to her husband-to-be while on stage at her graduation ceremony, the Essex University have since been forced to remove the filmed clip of the gesture due to the heavy criticism it has received.

A feminist, Dr Jana Bacevic, a research associate in sociology at the University of Cambridge, wrote on Twitter, “Imagine being a man and feeling so threatened by a woman’s intellectual success that you *have* to force her to frame her identity/agency in relation to *you* on the very day she is being celebrated for her intellect.

“Oh wait, that’s, like, 99.9 per cent men.”

However the Lithuanian couple, who met as teenagers at secondary school in their home town of Vilnius, rejected the suggestion that the gesture was outdated, with Miss Banuskeviciute saying she was “extremely happy” with the “amazing proposal”.



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