It’s time to bomb bandits out of existence – El-Rufai

Kaduna State Governor Nasir El-Rufai believes that more people are being killed in the Northwest than in the Northeast.

As a result, he has renewed his call that security forces should bomb bandits out of existence.

The governor, who concluded that Monday night’s attack on the Abuja-Kaduna train was a collaboration between bandits and Boko Haram, insisted that more Nigerians were getting killed or displaced in the Northeast.

El-Rufai made these statements when he paid a condolence visit to Giwa Local Government Area in the northern part of Kaduna State, where several communities had been under bandit attacks in the past five days.

Saying that his government was aware some forests in Giwa and other parts of the state have ungoverned spaces, the governor said this informed his call for bombing to wipe out the bandits.

He said: “With the declaration by the Federal High Court that these bandits are terrorists, nothing stops the military, the police and other security agencies from taking extreme actions to terminate these bandits without prejudice. This is what we have been pushing for the past two years and I hope to see Mr President tomorrow and I intend to present that to him.

“Now, we are seeing collaboration between bandits and Biko Haram, as we saw in the bombing of the tracks of the Abuja-Kaduna rail line.”

He spoke of plans to suggest solutions to the security challenges at his scheduled meeting with President Muhammadu Buhari today.



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