I’d rather be dead in ditch than delay Brexit – British PM

Amidst the drama ensuing between the Parliament and executive, British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has said he would “rather be dead in a ditch” than ask the EU to delay Brexit beyond 31 October.

But the PM declined to say if he would resign if a postponement – which he has repeatedly ruled out – had to happen.

His statement comes despite strong opposition from the labour party, who stated that stopping a no-deal Brexit as its priority.

During his speech at a police training centre in Wakefield, the prime minister reiterated his call for an election, which he wants to take place on 15 October.

He argued it was “the only way to get this thing [Brexit] moving”.

“We either go forward with our plan to get a deal, take the country out on 31 October which we can or else somebody else should be allowed to see if they can keep us in beyond 31 October,” Mr Johnson said.



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