I can lawfully remain in office till 2024, IG Adamu tells court

Inspector-General (IG) Mohammed Adamu has challenged claims that his retention in office was unlawful having attained the attained the maximum 35 years in service on February 1.

Adamu submitted his argument in the counter-affidavit and notice of objection he filed against a suit by a lawyer, Maxwell Opara before the Federal High Court in Abuja, challenging Adamu’s continued stay in office beyond February 1.

In the documents filed by his lawyer, Alex Iziyon (SAN), Adamu contended that the office of the IGP is not governed by the general provisions applicable to the rest of the police force.

Adamu argued that the new Nigeria Police Act gave him a four-year tenure which would only lapse in either 2023 or 2024.

The IG noted that the provision of “section 18(8) of the Nigeria Police Act, 2020 which is that ‘Every police officer shall, on recruitment or appointment, serve in the Nigeria Police Force for a period of 35 years or until he attains the age of 60 years, whichever is earlier,’ is with due respect, inapplicable to the office of the Inspector General of Police in the circumstance.”

He argued that the effect of Section 7(6) of the Nigeria Police Act, 2020 “is that immediately a person is appointed into the office of the Inspector-General of Police, a new legal regime is triggered off.”



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