FG to grant religious houses licence to conduct statutory marriages

The Federal government is set to commence the inspection of organisations for additional slots of Expatriate Quota facilities, Renewal of Expatriate Quota Positions, and inspection of Places of Worship for the issuance of Licences to conduct Statutory Marriages and renewal of existing marriages.

The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Interior, and Principal Registrar of Marriage in Nigeria, Dr Shuaib Belgore, stated that this was in agreement with relevant laws.

This was contained in a statement on Thursday by the Ministry”s spokesperson, Blessing Lere-Adams.

It was titled, “Public Notice for Organisations and Public Places of Worship: Commencement of inspection for the grant and renewal of Expatriate Quota Facilities and Licensing/Renewal of Public Places of Worship for the conduct of Statutory Marriages (Marriage Act 2004; CAP.M6, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004).”

The statement reads, “The Ministry of Interior through its Citizenship and Business Department will henceforth be carrying out inspection exercise in organisations for the grant of additional slots of Expatriate Quota facilities, Renewal of Expatriate Quota positions as well as the inspection of places of worship for issuance of Licences to conduct statutory Marriages and renewal of existing Licences.

“This is under the Second Schedule of the Marriage Act, Cap 6, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 and the approved Legal Notices vide Federal Government Official Gazette Nos. 55, 56, 59, 60, 61 & 62, Volume 108 of 2021.

“The inspection exercises and services attract payment of fees that are mandatory for organizations and public places of worship who do apply for such services.”



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