FG examines nuclear, solar, waste for rural electrification

The Federal Government of Nigeria is currently exploring the use of nuclear energy, solar technology, bio-waste, and hydro technology to ensure rural electrification.

This information was disclosed by the Executive Director, Corporate Services, Rural Electrification Agency (REA), Chief Olaniyi Netufo.

He remarked that electricity is Nigeria’s number one problem and that the government is looking for practical solutions to meet the needs of Nigerians.

Netufo said REA, through its rural electrification funds, is looking into new areas to ensure rural electrification and is open to working with solution providers within and outside the country.

He said: “Electricity is the number one problem of Nigeria.

“We are looking for many areas to generate electricity, be it solar, hydro, even waste. Last week, I was at Lugbe to go and see where a man was trying to use urine to generate electricity, gas, and gas that can power a gas generator and as cooking gas. We want something practical.

“If we can find ways of generating electricity with nuclear, we can explore it because we can do that, we have the rural electrification funds and we are looking for new areas to use those funds to solve Nigeria’s problems because we are ready for anything that can provide electricity in our rural areas, we are ready to work with people that can provide electricity for us, using nuclear technology.

“Let’s meet the people with the technology, so we can pick it since the result is electricity. It is of advantage to us since we have the raw materials needed, which is uranium, in huge supply in our country. If we have the raw materials here, let’s use it for our benefit, we can push for it but it will be purely for electricity.”



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