Emir moves to ban commercial sex workers in Borno

In a bid to eliminate social vices around his domain, the Shehu of Bama in Borno, Kyari El-Kanemi, has said the activities of commercial sex workers will not be condoned in the area.

The Emir stance was disclosed in a statement issued by the Personal Secretary to the emir,Abba Shehu-Umar, following his declaration in a message on Sunday to mark the 2019 Eid-el-Maulud celebrations.

He said that the emir expressed displeasure at the increase in number of commercial sex workers in the area following a clamp down on illegal brothels and commercial sex workers at Galadima Area of Maiduguri.

According to Mr El-Kanemi, there has been an increase in social vices in the emirate since the relocation of the ‘’ladies.”

“You may recall that these girls caused serious criminality in the suburb of the state capital; they engaged in open prostitution, child trafficking, drug abuse and other forms of criminality in the metropolis.

“The state government constituted a high powered committee to address the nefarious activities, which led to the demolishing of several hotels, brothels and hideouts in Maiduguri.

“Now that the chances in the state capital are narrowing, they are exploring other safe havens in the local government councils.

“The trend cannot be accepted; I have instructed Village and Ward Heads to be vigilant and proactive as such attitude will not be condoned,” Mr El-Kanemi was quoted as saying in the statement.



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