Army to summon Prelate for linking soldiers to kidnapping

The Nigerian Army says it will summon for questioning, the Methodist Prelate, Samuel Kanu-Uche for linking soldiers to kidnapping.

His Eminence Kanu-Uche, his chaplain, and a bishop were kidnapped at the weekend and released 24 hours later after paying an N100 million ransom.

While speaking to reporters on Tuesday after his release, the Prelate said: ”Military personnel is aiding the kidnappers who disguise as herders in the daytime but are kidnappers at night.”

It is to this comment that the army took exception.

The Director of Army Public Relations, Brig.-Gen. Onyema Nwachukwu said the Army would meet with the Prelate to know more about the circumstances surrounding his abduction.

Nwachukwu said: ”The insinuation that troops are complicit in the kidnap incident is not entirely premised on any findings of investigations and, therefore, cannot be swallowed hook line, and sinker.

“This allegation, therefore, raises some pertinent questions which are still unanswered.

“Given our professional disposition and zero tolerance for any misconduct in the Nigerian Army, we will take this weighty allegation seriously and approach the Prelate and the Methodist Church to unravel the basis for the allegation.”



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