Nigeria becoming poverty capital of the world – Oxfam boss laments

… Says 94 million Nigerians live below poverty line
No less than 94,470,535 million people in Nigeria live below extreme poverty line disclosed Oxfam international in its latest World Poverty Clock.

Oxfam International Country Director in Nigeria, Constant Tchona, said this on Monday in Abuja at the organisation’s Programme Quality Review and Planning meeting with the theme “On the Road To Becoming an Influencing Hub”.

Mr Tchona decried that this number of people live below the benchmark of N684 per day.

Her words, “The number of people that live below extreme poverty level as at April was 91,501,377, making Nigeria the World Capital of Poverty.

“As if that was not bad enough, at the moment, six months later, the number has jumped up to 94,470,535 people.

“What this means is that we have added 2,969,158 people more into extreme poverty,” she added.

She called on private establishments to assist the government in lifting people out of poverty, stressing the need to expedite actions, adding that more people are getting into extreme poverty as at the moment.



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