Local airlines condemn unfair treatment by foreign counterparts

Operators of local airlines in the country have condemned the unfair treatment meted out to them by their foreign counterparts.

They accused the foreign airlines of exploiting local operators.

The Nigerian airline operators spoke at a meeting organized by the leadership of the House of Representatives with stakeholders in the Aviation sector to resolve the issue of blocked funds of foreign airlines in the country.

The spokesperson of the Airline Operators of Nigeria (AON), Dr. Obiora Okonkwo, who is also the Chairman of United Nigeria Airline, spoke on behalf of the group.

He said: “I want to put it on record that Nigeria does not have the highest quantum of money of foreign airlines, not only because we don’t have a foreign exchange, but because there is no other country in the world where their window of travel to other parts of the world is utilized more than the internal operators. It is only in Nigeria.

“Apart from the little effort Air Peace is making, every other airline in and out of flight into Nigeria to other parts of the world is by foreign airlines. But it is wrong.

“Foreign airlines make more flights in and out of Nigeria than any other country in the world that has domestic airlines. The quantum (of blocked funds) is also so because of the disparity in the prices that are being charged.

“I would urge the House of Representatives to find out why Nigerians pay more than 50 percent of the fare than other countries for the same hours of flight.”



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