How Nigerian writer returned a wallet containing $2500 belonging to HOR member

Nigerian writer, Alex Adekunle James, has recalled how he chose to return misplaced wallet containing $2500 belonging to a lawmaker despite being financially needy at the moment.

James said he once stumbled on a misplace wallet containing $2500, revealing there were several $100 bills, a couple of dirhams, a Dubai insurance card and some debit cards which were both in naira and dollars.

Although James admitted several thoughts ran through his mind as he was in need of money, he however set his mind on returning the money. So, he started to search for the owner until he found him. James maintains he has no regrets returning the money.

However, the HOR member didn’t show the any sign of gratitude as he was on a call throughout his interaction with James. He didn’t say a word to him.

His words, “I still felt so much joy doing the right thing. I saw it as an avenue to make God proud. I saw it as an opportunity to exemplify the values my generation needs to fix Nigeria. I saw it as the litmus test to what I have dedicated my life to in the last 11 years (mobilizing Nigerian youths to transform Nigeria into a first-world nation).”

James said that 3 days after he returned the wallet, the HOR member traced him to his house and apologized for his behavior, explaining that he was on a very important call.

He then collected James’ account number and sent him what the writer described as a ‘token of appreciation’.

James ended his story with a few words of encouragement: “In our hands, Nigeria must be better! We need to exemplify the right values to pull Africa out of its rut. Let us set a new culture, tell me something that was hard but you did because it was the right thing.”



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