Former Reps speaker, Bankole, Dino resolve long time conflict

Senator representing Kogi West Senatorial district, Dino Melayo has said that his mum’s burial reconciled him with former speaker of house of reps, Dimeji Bankole, who was one of the dignitaries that graced the burial.

He recently posted this on his Facebook page accompanied with a picture of him heartily welcoming Bankole during the event.

Bankole and Dino had been colleagues at the house of reps years back. But they fell apart after Dino accused Bankole, who was then the speaker of reps of corruption and led fierce campaign for the impeachment of the speaker.

But Bankole was ahead of Dino’s plan as he moved swiftly to orchestrate and announce the suspension of Dino from the house.

This subsequently triggered a brawl during a plenary session in which alleged supporters of Bankole beat Dino and dragged him out of the house to further demonstrate that he had no business in the chamber as a suspended member.



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